Tuesday, November 27, 2012

James & Max meet for the 1st Times

A few nights ago, Max met James for the first time, but not under the best circumstances.  James & I were at a sexworkers discussion group in the evening, when Max texted me.  I asked him if he would like to meet James & he agreed, although he said he was not "100%". Him being not 100% was an understatement.   He was drunk.

He watched football all day, with his drinking pals & fellow bartenders, so by the time we caught up to him around 9pm, he was not in the best of position to be met for the first time, but was entertaining, nonetheless.

When he finally sat down with us, he apologized profusely for his current demeanor, but continued to tell James, his intentions & how much he enjoyed me.  James & I were a bit naughty, as we typically are, teasing him a bit, which put him at ease.

In the end, James agreed that he liked Max & was comfortable with me continuing the relationship.

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