Thursday, January 31, 2013

James & the Wedding

In my head, I have started planning my wedding to James.  We have always said we would get married, after my daughter turned 18-years-old & no longer lived with us.  According to the countdown calendar on James's cell phone, that's in 505 days, the summer of 2014.

In the past, I would have never considered marriage again, particularly after my first one went down in a glorious flame.  However, with James it's a bit different.  First, even after dating for just over 5 years & living together for 4 years, I consider him my best friend & definitely the most compatible person I have ever had a romantic relationship with.  More importantly, he is 15 years older than I am & I want to be the one who controls his healthcare in the future.  Finally, hopefully with the success of my book, being published in the summer of 2014, I will be making a lot more money.  I want to honor his position in my life, by sharing that with him.

I think I am going to have an interactive wedding.  For example, I want James to pick out his 5 favorite wedding dresses.  Then, I will try them on, parading in front of a camera & have people vote on what dress they like best.  The same thing could be done with the tuxedos, flowers, etc.  That way everyone is involved.  Also, rather than forbidding cell phone, during the ceremony, I want to encourage people to post on Facebook & twitter, while the wedding is going on.

I have mentioned the concept to a few coworkers & they are all for it.  They even mentioned doing door prizes.  What do you think?  What other things can be done at an interactive wedding?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Virginia's Pee Test

Last month, Virginia, my 16-year-old daughter, was caught smoking pot in our house.  As promised, I pee tested her today.  Fortunately, she passed with flying colors, announcing that she would not be passing in the future.  Therefore, I have told her that if I even think she is smoking pot in my house, whether the smell is on her or I find paraphernalia, I will call the police.  I really have no choice, because it's illegal in my state to even posses it.  Although I am not opposed to adults using pot in the privacy of their own homes,  If I gave her the impression it is okay, I could be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  Hopefully, it will not come down to that.


Sunday, January 27, 2013


Poly Meetup Fail

We recently went to a poly meetup, in order to find more attractive women who would be interested in being sex workers.  I have find that many times those in the alternative lifestyle community are more likely to take a walk on the wild side for money, than vanilla people.  We also went to try & find James a local girlfriend.  We failed on both accounts.

Unfortunately, there were no women who were more than averagely attractive.  Also, because James & I are in a healthy long term polyamorous relationship, we are often the center of attention at the meetings, with people asking of lots of questions.  This does not give us a lot of time to focus on finding an additional partner for James.  We will try again in the future.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hegre Art

New Whore for Richard & James

Richard, my best friend & whore assistant, has found another whore to promote, effectively making him a pimp.  She arrived in town last week, with Richard & James, my primary boyfriend, trying to get her up to basic whore standards.

For her, that means making her a little less white trash. She has multiple tattoos & 11 piercings.  She is definitely not the girl-next-door, which is the most profitable "character" in whoring.  So, Richard has requested that the piercings be removed.  Next, James will have sex with her, as a paying client, in order to grade her performance & coach her into being a better whore. Then, Richard will take better pictures of her, in hopes of bringing out her more attractive physical qualities, particularly her very long brunette hair.

For my part, I will be doing all of her online promotions, including web design, twitter, Facebook, escort directories, message boards, email, etc.  I will never meet her, for legal reasons.

Hopefully, she will be profitable & not crazy :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thomas & the Beach

Thomas, my booty call of 11 years, has once again invited me to go to the beach.  In the past, I have not been able to, because he springs it on me all of a sudden & I already have plans.  Also, the beach that he chooses to visit is 8 hours away, by car.  So, to make it worth my while I have to be at the beach for at least 2 days.  In the past, that has not been achievable.

When I mentioned to him that it would help if he could make plans in advance, he seemed to dismiss me, going alone or with someone else.  However, yesterday he told me he would be going to the beach in about two weeks, although he did not know exactly when & he wanted me to go.  I have made it so anything happening in two weeks can be rescheduled.  That means only cock sucking for those two weeks, rather than manual labor.

I used to hold out that Thomas & I would one day have a romantic relationship.  However, I have learned over the last couple of years that is probably never going to happen.  So, when I am with him I only live in the moment & do not consider anything beyond that. But, I must admit that being alone with him for long periods of time makes me want that again & perhaps hope that's the reason he asked me to go to the beach.

I am not holding my breath.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Apologies

My apologies for not writing more frequently.  I have been overwhelmed with manual labor work for the last two weeks.  That's a good thing, because it's guaranteed work, when being a sex worker is not.  I have lots of new things to tell you, so stay turned.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

HUGE sigh of relief

The prison from which the inmate was sending inappropriate letters to my 16-year-old daughter, Virginia, called this morning.  My concern was that when they had the conversation with the inmate about sending the letters that he would find out that I ratted him out & do something to me & my family, since he has our home address.  I know that sounds a little over the top, but the inmate has killed at least one person & attempted to kill one other.  He is also in a notorious gang. Fortunately, the person who spoke to the inmate, simply said the letter was discovered before it left the prison & my name was not brought up.  I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief.  Hopefully, I will not receive any more letters.  If so, I have been instructed to send them to the security team who has been working with me.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Whore Guide (Escorts): Whore Reputations

It's very important that you follow these steps to find a reputable whore.

1.  Locate a whore online, through the use of escort directories & message boards.  You should hit up this previous blog entry for a growing list of those sites.

2.  Once you find one that looks appealing, based upon looks, rate, services, etc, you should check out her reviews.  I am going to use this whore on Eros for our guinea pig.  At this point, I know nothing about Miss Morgan Marie.

In order to check out her reviews, we need a piece of information that is always connected to her, such as a telephone number, email address, or website.  Unfortunately, whores are notorious for changing their information on a regular basis, particularly if they have something to hide, like poor reviews.  So, we may come up empty our first go around.  For our purposes, I prefer an email address.  In Miss Morgan Marie's case, that would be
Provider's Contact Information", I am going to cut & paste Miss Morgan Marie's email address (, then click "search" at the bottom of the page. 

The next page is going to be all the reviews she has under that email address, including doubles with another whore, cities other than her home turf, etc.  The end of each profile has the number of reviews attached to it.  Click the profile that has the most reviews.  In Miss Morgan Marie's case, that would be this one.

This page has all of her general information & appearance.  The rest you will not be able to see, because chances are likely you are not a member.  However, the most significant thing you will need to know is available to the general public & that information is found right under the whore's name in the top left corner.  It says "Rating 9.17 (Looks 9.14 / Performance 9.2)".  Those numbers are out of 10.  So, Holy Mother of God!  This chick is an awesome whore.

Now for the details, about what makes her so awesome.  Go to the bottom of her page & click one of the reviews.  We will use this one.  In the general details & public section it says:

"This was my second date with Morgan. She was visiting Chicago so I paid her a visit. Morgan is an exceptionally vibrant and sweet lady. She is absolutely beautiful, inside and out. I could only book 2 hours because of a busy travel schedule. Otherwise, I would have taken her out for a nice dinner and enjoyed her the way every man should, with deep conversation along with the physical side of the date. Non-VIPs, definitely see Morgan if you have the chance. Treat her like she is as special as they come, because she is."

That should be enough to get you started, if you are a newbie, in terms of finding a reputable whore.  My next entry will be about deciphering reviews, because they are not always as they seem.  In the meantime, Happy Whoring!

Friday, January 11, 2013

New Store

I created a new store that is all things "Margins of Society".  I hope you take the time to peek.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Favorite Quote: Our Deepest Fear

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  ~Marianne Williamson 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pimp Daddie Richard

Richard, my best friend & personal whore assistant, has become a pimp.  Well, at least he is well on his way.  Because of me, he has become very knowledgeable about the industry, although not quite an expert yet.

With my blessings, he went to chat with a doorman of two luxury hotels in the area, in order to get more information on how to supply whores to traveling businessmen.  The doorman explained that there is a huge need for them, because he is asked several times a night, during the busy season, for girls.  However, currently the only supply he was familiar with where the strippers in the area.  The bellman said he did not want those kind of "crack heads" in he hotels & preferred to find reputable, professional, attractive ladies to entertain the visitors.  Richard thought he could fill that need, using me to get started.

The upside to such a situation is the hourly rate would be higher than usual, for several reasons.  First, I would do full service, when I typically do not.  Also, I would go to their hotel room, rather than them coming to me.  Finally, because most of those visitors would not be industry savvy, they would not know that most reputable girls charge less.  I am thinking $400 an hour, when usually the rate would be $300, giving the bellman $50 for the networking.

For now, Richard needs to get a merchant account to process credit card transactions, since most businessmen would want to use a charge card for tax write off purposes.  Also, we need to wait until busy season, around April.  Finally, I need to loose more weight.  It's one thing to go on my awesome online reviews, but if I am seeing someone for the first time, without them having looked at my reviews, they need to say "Hot damn!", rather than "WTF?!"  :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Whore Guide (Escorts): Reviews

By far, the largest review database can be found at The Erotic Review (AKA TER).  It is so popular, because as a VIP member you get full access to all the naughty details of the provider's service, such as does she suck cock without a condom or are her pictures accurate.  Other review sites include

Big Doggie
Naughty Reviews

Reviews are an important element to visiting a reputable provider.  Without them, most of the time you would be wasting your money.  However, when you look at someone's reviews you have to do so with a discerning eye.

1.  Are the reviews about the same?  All providers have a baseline standard.  Do the reviews follow that pattern?  If they do not, chances are likely there is an outside variable affecting her service, such as drugs or alcohol.

2.  Do the reviewers have a history of other reviews?  Frequently, websites will offer free memberships to the clients, if they write a review.  Therefore, you want to make sure the reviewer has written other reviews & not just the one you are currently reading.

3.  How old is the review?  If the provider is active, there is no reason to consider reviews more than two years old.  All people change in two years, so will the provider.  Hopefully, it will be for the better.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Whore Guide (Escorts): Screening

In order to see a reputable provider, you must do everything in your power to make her feel comfortable.  One of the first steps to this is your screening.  Reputable providers have a number of ways to screen, such as..

1.  Personal Information:  She will request details about your life & do what she can to discretely verify your information.  This may include your work number, etc.

pros:  your personal information is kept by one provider, verses a database

cons:  the provider will have your personal information

2.  3rd Party:  She may be associated with a website/ company she trusts that will do her screening for her, such as Preferred411 or DateCheck.

pros:   done quickly through the site, provider does not have your personal information, easy to see multiple providers on the same 3rd party site.

cons:  you will have an online profile that you MAY have to pay for

3.  Provider Referrals:  She will request the contact information of other reputable providers you have seen & contact those ladies to verify that they would see you again.

pros:  the provider does not have your personal information.

cons:  the original providers may become jealous that you are seeing another provider & give them bad information, as well as "gossip" about you.

Every provider has her own way of doing things.  She is not going to change those ways for you, no matter how badly you try to convince her otherwise.  Decide what kind of screening you are willing to do, then find a provider who will meet that decision.

DO NOT SEE A PROVIDER, IF SHE DOES NOT SCREEN.  If she has such disregard for her own safety, how does she feel about yours?

Max Come Unhinged

It seems that Max has become a bit unhinged, since we mutually decided we were not compatible enough to continue our relationship.  Once we decided that was indeed the case, I was in the process of trying up the loose ends to the relationship, specifically by collecting the $225.00 he owed me.  Little did I know that process would give me a great deal of insight into his mind.

When I tried to collect it the second time around, he disappeared for two weeks, after he gave me the impression I would get the money back in within the week.  Everyday, I sent one text a day to him, saying "When can I expect to see you?".  One one occasion, after not hearing from him for a week, I texted "I feel like you are intentionally ignoring & avoiding me.  If you have no intention of giving me the money, please let me know now."  When I found out that I would be in his area on the 26th, I added "I will be in the area on the 26th.  Are you available to give me the money?"

Eventually, he replied with "Oh my God!  I've been gone taking care of my family problems by drafting those documents and personally getting them to sign each contract.  Finished up, took some time for myself on the west coast, to come back to these texts.  Are you kidding me.  Oh by the way I'M FINE.  I'm going out my first night back, so if you need that money so bad bad, I have it.  Or I could drop it off with Thomas before I go to my concert.  I only need a short answer, I'm done with hearing my sister laugh at your texts."

Me:  I am available on the 26th.  Are you?
Max:  I'll drop it off with Thomas before the concert.
Me:  I would prefer that you did not.
Max:  Well then I'll try after the concert.
Me:  On the 26th?  I am available between 6:30pm & 10pm.
Max:  Well I'll drop it off quickly before the show.
Me:  Great.  I will make sure I am there at 6:30pm, so you do not have to waste much time.
Max:  Good.
Me:  BTW, me sending 1 text a day, after you gave me the impression I would get the $ within a week is not me needing the money "that damn bad", but more of me wanting to be done with the situation, after you chimed in and disappeared yet again.  I really hate feeling negative about people I genuinely liked.  I will not bother you again, once I receive the $.
Max:  ok
The 26th arrived & I heading to his area...
Me:  Heading your way.  I look forward to seeing you.
Max:  I'll see you.
Me:  Here.  Where do you want to meet?
Now, remember he wanted me to be at exactly 6:30pm, so he did not have to waste time dropping off the cash before the concert.  At 7pm, he replied...
Max:  I'll be upstairs, to say thanks to Thomas for the invite.
Me:  I am here at the upstairs bar.
At 7:43pm he replies
Max:  Sorry, saying hello and a cigarette.
Me:  Cool beans.  I already noticed you.

Yes, I already noticed him chatting amongst everyone else in the bar, except me.  Eventually, he sidled up next to me on the bar stool.  I gave the impression I was very happy to see him, giving him a warm hug & smile & asked him about his adventures with his family.  He chatted with me for about 10 minutes.  Then, he reached into his pocket for the cash, handing it to me.  I, as a good little whore, knew immediately that the cash was short, simply from it's weight.  I said nothing, giving him a hug as he disappeared into the bar again.  I then reached into my bag & counted the cash, with my suspicions being verified.  He shorted me $100.  I still said nothing.  I remained for another hour, being a social butterfly with my co-workers.  Max left 30 minutes before me.

two hours later, the text stared again...
Max:  So that was strange.  I'm sorry if you might hate me.  But I needed to be happy, by getting things done with family.  I'm sorry you are disappointed with me.
Me:  No worries.  Live long and prosper.
Max:  Ok. Bye.
Max:  I feel bad.  You were disappointed in me.
Me:  No need to feel bad.  Enjoy your evening.
Max:  I think I love you.
Me:  I think you are drunk texting me.
Max:  No just thought about you.  Sorry.
Me:  You thought about me and you came up with "love"?
Max:  Always
Me:  I think you need to give it a few months, then get back to me in the spring.
Max:  Okay.  Trying to be nice.  But whatever.  Have a good life.  Done.
Me:  Thank you for your kind words and your ability to share such a deeply emotional feeling.  I am flattered.  I think we need to let those feelings mature for a few months, before they are processed.
Max:  Come home.  Yell at me.
Me:  Why would I yell at you?
Max:  Because you care.
Me:  Caring does not equate to yelling.
Max:  But you would at me.  Again, come home.
Me:  I have no desire to yell at you.  Besides, you have enough of that from every other person in your life.  If you think that is okay, you are hanging out with the wrong people.
Me:  I need to sign off for the evening/morning.  This fat old broad needs her beauty sleep night night.

WTF?!  What the friggity frackity fuck?!  It took me several days to process the whole dynamic, but eventually I got some insight from my best friend, Richard, and my live in primary boyfriend, James.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Landon Moves Out

Landon, my former secondary live in boyfriend, finally decided to make the decision to move out of our home, after I put a little bug in his ear, giving him permission to do so.  Landon was never really comfortable living with the tribe & his actions made that clear, such as moving all the way to the basement, rather than sleeping on the top floor with everyone else.

In addition, Landon was not polyamorous.  He was monogamous with me.  So, although he was accepting of James, because "he was there first", he never really embraced the concept of being a "tribe".  From time to time, he would ask questions about what if James & I broke up, would he just have me.  My answer was & always will be "No.  I was born polyamorous & always will be."  Further, he was rarely home, instead often times staying at his elderly grandmother's house, which is closer to his work. Now, he has moved out 80% of his things & is going to live with his grandmother full-time, along with his children, when they visit.  All in all, I think everyone is happy with the situation.

I do not think a relationship is a failure, as long as you learned something from it.  In the case of Landon, I learned that I should not date someone who is not polyamorous.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thomas' Employee Party

Tonight I will see Thomas at a party he is throwing for his employees, me among them.  I already asked if I can go home with him, knowing the answer would be no.  He did not disappoint.  Thomas has a thing about showing any favoritism towards his employees, particularly in public.  Although we have been sex partners for 12 years, he does not show me any attention in public, not even a hug.  He would not want anyone to think we were leaving the party together.  Perhaps I can convince him to let me join him later.

Beyond that, when we are together in bed, we are awesome.  In fact, since the whole Max thing, he has been even more attentive to me.  I am not sure if the two are related or if he even knows that Max & I are no longer seeing each other.

I am not naive.  I know the parameters of our relationship & I am not interested in changing Thomas.  Fortunately, I have my primary live in boyfriend, James, who is absolutely wonderful.  Because he is so wonderful, he gives me the ability to look at other relationship I have with a discerning eye.  Sometimes it's good to compare.