Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Multi Orgasmic

One thing a lot of men are jealous about in women is their sexual stamina. The ability of many of us have to be multi orgasmic. Now don’t get me wrong, I know some guys are able to go multiple rounds, some certainly are, but not most. Most fall into the “One and you’re done” category. Now as long as they can last as long as I need them too, it’s usually not an issue if they can only cum once, but given the choice, I would of course always choose a guy that can match me orgasm for orgasm.

I don’t mind if they need to rest in between for 10-15 minutes, that is a good length of time for everyone to calm down, catch their breath and get ready for the next round. I don’t need to keep going with no breaks, but when they can keep going with you, I just find it a more pleasurable match. Even young ones are not always able to go round after round. I’m not sure what makes one able to continue on and another be out after one, but multi guys will always be my faves for sure!

Women luckily just do not have the same problems, staying hard, so we can’t relate since we have never had that issue. As long as I’ve caught my breath, I can keep going, but it can get to a numb state down there that stimulation gets difficult to bring you over that orgasmic edge. I can always cum, even if not horny, though it can take effort, sometimes a lot, but I can. I mentioned that to a guy and he couldn’t even imagine cumming if not horny, since they kind of have to be hard, and if not horny, then they are not hard, they have more variables than women do to overcome. More factors at play. Though I have talked to guys that can cum when not totally hard, ones that have erectile dysfunction problems. They really have their bodies working against them in a way women simply do not. Poor bastards!

Happy Samhain

Author: Peg Aloi
Posted: October 1st. 1996
Times Viewed: 273,526

Hallowe'en has its origins in the British Isles. While the modern tradition of trick or treat developed in the U. S., it too is based on folk customs brought to this country with Irish immigrants after 1840. Since ancient times in Ireland, Scotland, and England, October 31st has been celebrated as a feast for the dead, and also the day that marks the new year. Mexico observes a Day of the Dead on this day, as do other world cultures. In Scotland, the Gaelic word "Samhain" (pronounced "SAW-win" or "SAW-vane") means literally "summer's end."

This holiday is also known as All Hallows Eve ("hallow" means "sanctify") ; Hallowtide; Hallowmass; Hallows; The Day of the Dead; All Soul's Night; All Saints' Day (both on November 1st) .

For early Europeans, this time of the year marked the beginning of the cold, lean months to come; the flocks were brought in from the fields to live in sheds until spring. Some animals were slaughtered, and the meat preserved to provide food for winter. The last gathering of crops was known as "Harvest Home, " celebrated with fairs and festivals.

In addition to its agriculture significance, the ancient Celts also saw Samhain as a very spiritual time. Because October 31 lies exactly between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice, it is theorized that ancient peoples, with their reliance on astrology, thought it was a very potent time for magic and communion with spirits. The "veil between the worlds" of the living and the dead was said to be at its thinnest on this day; so the dead were invited to return to feast with their loved ones; welcomed in from the cold, much as the animals were brought inside. Ancient customs range from placing food out for dead ancestors, to performing rituals for communicating with those who had passed over.

Communion with the dead was thought to be the work of witches and sorcerers, although the common folk thought nothing of it. Because the rise of the Church led to growing suspicion of the pagan ways of country dwellers, Samhain also became associated with witches, black cats ("familiars" or animal friends) , bats (night creatures) , ghosts and other "spooky" things...the stereotype of the old hag riding the broomstick is simply a caricature; fairy tales have exploited this image for centuries.

Divination of the future was also commonly practiced at this magically-potent time; since it was also the Celtic New Year, people focused on their desires for the coming year. Certain traditions, such as bobbing for apples, roasting nuts in the fire, and baking cakes which contained tokens of luck, are actually ancient methods of telling fortunes.

So What About Those Jack-O-Lanterns?

Other old traditions have survived to this day; lanterns carved out of pumpkins and turnips were used to provide light on a night when huge bonfires were lit, and all households let their fires go out so they could be rekindled from this new fire; this was believed to be good luck for all households. The name "Jack-O-Lantern" means "Jack of the Lantern, " and comes from an old Irish tale. Jack was a man who could enter neither heaven nor hell and was condemned to wander through the night with only a candle in a turnip for light. Or so goes the legend...

But such folk names were commonly given to nature spirits, like the "Jack in the Green, " or to plants believed to possess magical properties, like "John O' Dreams, " or "Jack in the Pulpit." Irish fairy lore is full of such references. Since candles placed in hollowed-out pumpkins or turnips (commonly grown for food and abundant at this time of year) would produce flickering flames, especially on cold nights in October, this phenomenon may have led to the association of spirits with the lanterns; and this in turn may have led to the tradition of carving scary faces on them. It is an old legend that candle flames which flicker on Samhain night are being touched by the spirits of dead ancestors, or "ghosts."

Okay, What about the Candy?

"Trick or treat" as it is practiced in the U. S. is a complex custom believed to derive from several Samhain traditions, as well as being unique to this country. Since Irish immigrants were predominantly Catholic, they were more likely to observe All Soul's Day. But Ireland's folk traditions die hard, and the old ways of Samhain were remembered. The old tradition of going door to door asking for donations of money or food for the New Year's feast, was carried over to the U. S. from the British Isles. Hogmanay was celebrated January 1st in rural Scotland, and there are records of a "trick or treat" type of custom; curses would be invoked on those who did not give generously; while those who did give from their hearts were blessed and praised. Hence, the notion of "trick or treat" was born (although this greeting was not commonly used until the 1930's in the U. S.) . The wearing of costumes is an ancient practice; villagers would dress as ghosts, to escort the spirits of the dead to the outskirts of the town, at the end of the night's celebration.

By the 1920's, "trick or treat" became a way of letting off steam for those urban poor living in crowded conditions. Innocent acts of vandalism (soaping windows, etc.) gave way to violent, cruel acts. Organizations like the Boy Scouts tried to organize ways for this holiday to become safe and fun; they started the practice of encouraging "good" children to visit shops and homes asking for treats, so as to prevent criminal acts. These "beggar's nights" became very popular and have evolved to what we know as Hallowe'en today.

What Do Modern Witches Do at Hallowe'en?

It is an important holiday for us. Witches are diverse, and practice a variety of traditions. Many of us use this time to practice forms of divination (such as tarot or runes) . Many Witches also perform rituals to honor the dead; and may invite their deceased loved ones to visit for a time, if they choose. This is not a "seance" in the usual sense of the word; Witches extend an invitation, rather than summoning the dead, and we believe the world of the dead is very close to this one. So on Samhain, and again on Beltane (May 1st) , when the veil between the worlds is thin, we attempt to travel between those worlds. This is done through meditation, visualization, and astral projection. Because Witches acknowledge human existence as part of a cycle of life, death and rebirth, Samhain is a time to reflect on our mortality, and to confront our fears of dying.

Some Witches look on Samhain as a time to prepare for the long, dark months of winter, a time of introspection and drawing inward. They may bid goodbye to the summer with one last celebratory rite. They may have harvest feasts, with vegetables and fruits they have grown, or home-brewed cider or mead. They may give thanks for what they have, projecting for abundance through the winter. Still others may celebrate with costume parties, enjoying treats and good times with friends. There are as many ways of observing Samhain as there are Witches in the world!

Peg Aloi

Bio:: Born 10/23/63, Peg is a freelance writer and artists' model, and a Witch of Celtic/Sicilian heritage. She has taught classes in film, literature, writing, herbalism, and calligraphy, and is also a singer, actress, astrologer and perfumer (gotta love that Libra/Scorpio cusp) . As a performer, she has made music with a number of Pagan artists, including MotherTongue (tm) , Urban Myth, and bard Olvardil Prydwyn. She reviews films for the Boston Phoenix, and is Associate Editor of Obsidian Magazine. She loves single malt scotch, apple orchards, Xena, Jethro Tull, and her three grey kitties, Ziggy, Zeus and Trivia.

Drugs & Sex

I finally got around to asking Thomas, my secondary boyfriend, if he would take mushrooms with me, while having sex.  He said, "No."  He went on to say that he does not take drugs & prefers to keep things that way.  His answer was not surprising, although annoying.

In his industry, drugs are everywhere.  People even smoke a joint on their breaks.  I heard that he purchased Extacy from a person in the industry, not knowing the person was in the industry.  That information got back to me & I assumed he would do it for me too.  I alluded to that & he said he has not ever taken Extacy, only cocaine 20 years ago & pot rarely.

I suppose that idea will have to wait.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Arrogant 19-year-old Irish Boy

Boy: so what did you do in the sex industry

Boy: you still active

Me: web design, pro-domme, phone sex, swing club

hostess, etc

Boy: swing clubs rock


Boy: hostess so your just the ladie who takes coats

Boy: or wher you the type that get involved lol

No, I get people to have fun

I am not a swinger, so no.

Boy: awh pity was gonna ask whens your next meet lol


Boy: iv been to different swinger parties here and the old milfs love attention from young men same over there i hope ?

single men are not allowed in swing parties, so that usually is not the case

Boy: obviously or then it not swinging lol, iv a swinging partner fear not

cool beans

Boy: so do they like attention? lol

everyone likes attention. I dont find older women to be any more desiring of it

Boy: not even from young lovin' lol

Boy: so what you up to at the mo anyhow

no, in fact I find that most women are nor into anyone younger than 30.

Boy: awh dam


Boy: and i was hoping on some milf eating

uh huh

Boy: well il stay at Irish swinging then lol

cool beans

I am surprised you allow into the clubs, considering you are not 21.

Boy: lol


lol lol like i said irish women love a young fit man

young fir man & a child are two different things

Boy: lol lol im not a child. thats illegal im a man with the gear for work in prime

May I ask you something personal?

Boy: yeah

are you a virgin?

Boy: lol lol lol lol

Boy: no

I ask, because you are very arrogant when it comes to your sexuality. I find that most people who talk about it so arrogantly are not having it. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin.

Most people of your age have not had a very meaningful sex life.

Boy: im arrogant in what form. lol im just a straght talker im young fit in good shape and mature women love me

then why are you on here?

Boy: lol im finished college iv had lots of meaningful love


Boy: looking for mature women cause they are looser if you dont mind me being rude

why do you consider them losers?

Boy: looser not losers

Boy: loose as in wild in bet, real good loose pussies being the slang lol

I see.

Boy: lol im sure

Well, I wish you the best in finding whatever it is you are looking for.

Boy: lol thanks

anything else, before I say good-bye?

Boy: lol mail me if your ever in ireland to see if im really a virgin lol lol

No, thanks.

Really? I don't think so.

Me: I see that you have a change in status to "seeing someone"

Boy: yeah cause too many IMs freeze my computer

Me: what does that have to do with the change in status?

Boy: less people IMing me obviously

Me: that many girls are IMing you, huh?

Boy: lol im cute! lol jk

Me: uh huh. How do you expect people to take interest in you, if you are seeing someone? Why not just turn off your IMs?

Boy: they just have to trust me

Me: uh huh. are you really that naive?

Boy: im just truthful

Me: Uh huh

Me: mostly men contacting you?

Boy: huh

Boy: y

Boy: are you that naive

Me: I have a very hard time believing that so many girls would contact you that it would shut down your system.

Chaos Diverted?

I spent the night with Thomas, my secondary boyfriend.  He gave me no indication he was aware of the email debacle that happened with James, my primary boyfriend, & my whore email account.  In fact, he was more playful that usual.  At this point, I don't think he is aware of anything.  Although that could change at any moment.

In order to cut Thomas off at the pass, I contacted his business assistant,  Joanne, & gave her the scoop.  Because she knows I have gone back to whoring, she laughed.  She said she would just ignore the whole thing & it would probably go away, since both she & Thomas were so busy processing paperwork & invoices when the chaos unfurled.

I am relieved, but still a bit anxious.

Monday, October 29, 2012

God only knows where this one was going...

Boy: you are a very beautiful lady

Me: thank you

Boy: I hope my profile is ok

Me: ok? I am not sure what you mean.

Boy: are you open minded ? may I be open

Boy: my daughter had her girl friend sleep over last night

Me: i did not answer your question.

Boy: ok ?

Me: I am open minded. however, i think discussing things of a sexual nature with a stranger is tacky.

Boy: ok I understand sorry

Me: why are you apologizing?

Boy: dont have anyone to talk too but thanks understand

Boy: I have no wish to be TACKY

Me: cool beans

Me: anything else?

Boy: no thank you

Me: have a good day then. toodles

Back to Cock Sucking

I am really happy to get back to cock sucking today, after being out of town for a week, doing manual labor.  I absolutely love being a mouth & hand whore.  I love making boys wiggle & squirm, while putting on them on the edge of ejacualting for hours & hours.  I love having that power over them & they adore me for it :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Let’s Get it On With Some Mood Music…

Many people love to incorporate music into their lovemaking. Background music can add to the enjoyment for many, others find it distracting. Most people are music lovers though and like mood music to add to the experience. I’m in the find it distracting category.

I was inspired to write this after seeing a poll recently that had men’s and women’s opinions on this topic, and twice as many men found background music distracting as women did. Women overwhelmingly preferred to have music on in the background. I guess I’m with the boys on this one. I’d rather concentrate on my partner than be thinking of music in the background.

There have been some memorable music and sex scenes in movies, there was a funny scene from the movie “10″ about the Ravel’s Bolero and how it’s perfectly written to have sex to. It’s a very funny movie I recommend. We can all think of various movies, usually comedies, where some guy is trying to seduce a girl and lowers the lights and puts on the “mood music” in the hopes of quickly turning things naughty

I have one client that loves to masturbate to fast paced pop songs, Avril Lavigne in particular, he pumps and pumps, it sounds like more of a workout than a relaxing masturbatory session, but whatever floats your boat. Music can add a different mood to any situation, but for background music for sex, both people should be in agreement as to what to listen to so one isn’t distracted at the others’ expense. What adds to an experience for some, takes away for another.


Hello, Matthew~

You may be wasting your time with me. I am only interested in having relationships with people in person. So, chatting with me, may not be to your advantage. I thought I would just be honest & direct with you.






Yeap, you are a keeper. Thanks for making other people look good.




Your so welcome. I love feeling good knowing I get e-mails. When people look good, that makes me feel good. I let God, and people be my judge, even when times are not easy.



P.S. When I stand on a good rock, it helps see the world better.


BabyDaddie Checks & James

I got in trouble with James last night, over giving the BabyDaddie checks to Virginia to manage.  The message I believe I heard from him last week was that he was on board about it.  However, when I approached him for details, in front of Virginia, he became silent & withdrawn, refusing to discuss the matter further.

I was perplexed.  I was sure he did not have a problem earlier.  Apparently, I was wrong.  He was silent for the rest of the evening.  Fortunately, he came to me this morning & said he was never comfortable with the idea, but because I already mentioned it in front of Virginia, we would come to a compromise.

I have learned to listen more carefully.  Hopefully, he has learned to communicate better.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"THAT'S the girl i want to show my cock to!!"

ron-2046: Hey you!! :)

Me: HELLO :)
Me: sorry about the caps
ron-2046: no prob
Me: :)
ron-2046: you're really interesting!
Me: thank you
ron-2046: and it's nice of you to im me even though i don't meet your exacting criteria!


ron-2046: know what i think is the most intriguing thing about you?
Me: I am happy to chat with anyone .
Me: what?
ron-2046: that you can't live without "making people wiggle and squirm - physically and mentally!"
ron-2046: i love that too, but mostly physically! ;)


Me: cool beans
ron-2046: so you've got one boyfriend at this point?


Me: yes
ron-2046: can i ask you a random question?
Me: yes
ron-2046: do you like it when a guy is shaved smooth?


Me: it depends on the nature of our realtionship. If I use toys on him, it is better
ron-2046: got it . . . i don't smoke! ;)


Me: :)
ron-2046: how many people are you im'ing with?


ron-2046: you must be popular, because you're a cute one!
Me: just you
ron-2046: sweet
Me: :)
ron-2046: i'm horny (big surprise, huh?)


Me: terribly
ron-2046: lol
ron-2046: cut that out, i'm at work! they'll wonder why i'm laughing in here!
Me: :)
ron-2046: hmmmm
ron-2046: i'm just reading . . .and liking it!
Me: reading what? my profile?
ron-2046: yes!! silly
Me: :)
ron-2046: i want to meet you


Me: thank you
ron-2046: the pic with the purple hair and glasses is HOT
Me: thank you again
ron-2046: THAT'S the girl i want to show my cock to!! :)


Me: thanks for sharing
ron-2046: lol
ron-2046: you're welcome!
Me: I was being sarcastic.
ron-2046: no, really?
Me: yes, really
ron-2046:got it!
Me: :)
ron-2046: so - want to make me squirm?
Me: I dont really have the kind of connection with you that would lead me to want to do that. sorry
ron-2046: okay! i guess i'll sign off!
Me: please

BabyDaddie Checks

Virginia wants to take over the BabyDaddie checks I receive every month from her father, my ex-husband.  The amount is $922 a month.  Previously she did just that with a fair amount of success.  With the money, she has to pay her rent, food, utilities, clothing, & anything she wants.  I think it's a great way to teach her responsible money practices.  I have to chat with James to make sure we are in a good place for her to take over.  What are your thoughts?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Cock Size (white vs. Black)

I often get caught in conversations about men & their cock size. Many men want to know whether or not they are average & if they were bigger, could they satisfy a woman better. 

First, let me say that a woman, who has trained her body properly, should be able to get sexually aroused from a pencil. The size of a cock is irrelevant. It’s how tight a woman’s pussy muscles are that counts.

Many men want to know if a black man’s penis is larger than a white man’s penis. I asked a baby nurse once about the differences in cocks. She explained things to me this way. She said semen must remain 10 degrees cooler than body temperature, in order to be viable. That’s why the semen is stored in the balls, away from the body. She went on to explain that once upon a time, black men only lived in Africa, a very hot place. Therefore, the balls & penis could be further away from the body & still be viable. Now on the flip side, the white dude went up north, where the temperature was cooler & his cum had to be stored closed to his body, in order to remain only 10 degrees cooler than body temperature. In addition, she mentioned that for the most part white men & black men have the same size cock, once erect. However, when a white man is not erect, his cock shrinks & when a black man is not erect it simply goes flaccid & does not shrink. Got it?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chocolate Body Painting

The pleasure of chocolate and whipped cream is obvious, sex aside. Mix the two together and you have sheer, if messy, heaven…Chocolate body paints have been around for a few decades now. I recall the first time I heard of them in the early 1990′s when a friend of mine had a small retail store and she decided to carry some as a novelty item after she and her boyfriend at the time had tried it out and liked it. She laughed as she told me what naughty fun it was to paint naughty words on each others bodies and then proceed to lick them off with gusto!

It seems like a fun thing for sure. Cans of whipped cream have long been making blow jobs a bit more fun. There is a body writing fetish, where some guys like to write naughty words all over their partners, kind of marking them as their territory in doing so. Chocolate is certainly a lot more fun and temporary than a Sharpie marking pen! Though ones truly into that body writing fetish would only be pleased with the long lasting permanence of the marking pens. The chocolate is just a lick or a shower away from being erased totally.

I recall one male client that was into sucking cock liked to have chocolate involved and he said how grand it would be to have chocolate taste like cum, rather than most people that would say the opposite, to have cum taste like chocolate! He was a character to be sure. He loved to incorporate food into his and his partners love play, it just made it a lot more fun for him.

Mushrooms & Sex

Thomas finally connected with me on a personal level, as we were leaving our out of own manual labor job, by email.  As you recall, many of my current & past lovers were on the job with me.  Thomas was our boss.

Thomas has this thing about not connecting with me on a personal level, when we are working together, not even a  hug.  However, 20 minutes after I was in the car, with James, heading home, he emailed me, wanting to know if I was available to see him that same night.  I declined, because I really wanted to relax from such a hard week.  I also wanted to reconnect with James. We did decide on seeing each other in 2 days.

I want to try something new with Thomas.  I want to take drugs with him, while having sex.  Thomas is my favorite sexual partner & he really drives me nuts, when we are doing the naughty.  I trust him completely & I know he can get a hold of any kind of drug we agree on, due to the nature of the industry he works in.  I guess I should mention that I am drug free & do not have an history of addiction.

I think I want to try mushrooms.

Message Board Thoughts

1. Beware anyone sucking up to you and blowing smoke up your ass … chances are they have ulterior motives … your friendship NOT one of them. Be prepared for the ensuing flames and burns.

2. Beware of minions. No matter how long you are around, minions change.  You never know who is on whose side til the shit hits the fan and you get the stinky spray. 

3. Beware anyone clamoring for attention with excessive posting, particularly ‘open discussion’ types. Consider the reputation of the one posting and their motivation behind the post. Sooner or later, a trend will appear. Some post just to antagonize those they perceive as a threat to their business. 

4. Beware anyone that gets/gives a piece of ass as motivation for public support. Ass makes people do things in public they would never do or think in private. 

5. Don’t assume that you are the only one that sees/knows the ‘real’ story/person. Rest assured, if anyone posts regularly, good or bad, MOST see the truth without the details. Folks aren’t blind or stupid (for the most part). Hold on to your secrets, in time it will ALL come out without making YOU look like a demon. 

6. Beware anyone that professes to be perfect or legendary, all-knowing & always right. Narcissists do not see or care about anything beyond themselves. Narcissists will go to any length public and private to eliminate anyone that gets in the way of them being on TOP. 

7. Trust with your head, before your heart. Make damn sure your trust is earned in actions, not empty words.

This was copied from somewhere. If you know the original source, please let me know.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

James makes a HUGE mistake

James, my primary boyfriend, just emailed Thomas, my secondary boyfriend, his work hours, from my whore email account.  James has access to my whore email account, because it links to my website & calendar.  He also often times screens potential new visitors.

Thomas responded to the email, by believing it was from another person on the work site, but wondering what happened to her other email address. Thomas does not know I have returned to whoring, after my arrest 4 years ago.  Although it would not surprise him, considering we met through the industry, with him being a former client.

We have decided to say nothing to Thomas & see what happens.  He could be so busy that he overlooks the odd email & does not catch on.  That would be a stroke of luck, since Thomas is incredibly smart & quick.  In reality, all he has to do is google that email address & everything attached to my whoring will pop up, including my website & reviews.

I am not sure how Thomas would react, if he thinks he knows what's going on.  He has this thing about not sharing personal details about his life with me, so he may decide not to ask any personal questions of me.

He may react negatively, believing I have been have sex with a bunch of different people, without discussing it with him first.  In reality, I do not have penetration sex with my visitors.  I don't even get undressed.  I doubt that would matter to him, if he thinks he has been betrayed.

As for James, I am really angry with him.  He should have been more careful.  Fortunately, I do not have to say anything to him, beyond a "WTF" look.  He knows things could go terribly wrong in this situation.  He also know that it will be his fault if I loose Thomas.

There is nothing more to do that wait.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Working 4some

Over the past week, I worked side by side with James, my current primary boyfriend, Thomas, my secondary boyfriend, & Landon, my former secondary boyfriend, who is now my roommate, while doing manual labor. The dynamic of each relationship was interesting.

James was my roommate in the hotel & my chauffeur to the job site.  He also entertained me, when we were on our breaks. Thomas was our boss & never approached me for anything other than for business reasons.  Not even a hug. Landon was caught giving me the gushy look from time to time, but went no further in discussing his feelings.

Monday, October 22, 2012

HUGE warm fuzzy

I really love James, my primary boyfriend.  He just brought me hot tea & gave me a HUGE warm fuzzy.  He reminds me a great deal of my father whose hobby was making my mother happy.  He succeeded for most of their 40 year marriage.  I wonder if James & I will have such luck.

He is definitely the most compatible person I have ever been in a romantic relationship with.  No matter where I am or whom I am with, I miss him.  I crave him.  I love him.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Belching & Farting Blues

I am having problems digesting solid foods.  At first I thought it was just a virus that has been pass around on our recent of of town job.  However, I am realizing that it could be something that's been brewing far longer.

For several years, I have been very gaseous from both ends.  Yeah, I know.  You either want to laugh or cry.  My farts smells like something crawled up inside of me & died.  They last all day.  My belches are loud & long, no matter what I eat.  Even drinking water will cause me to shakes the walls.  Fortunately, I have been able to hide all of that, when I am sucking cock, for my whore visitors.

Five days ago, I could not hold anything solid down for more than 20 minutes.  I figured out I could digest those powered drink mixes, that can be purchased for weight lifters, hot tea, water, & vitamins.  I have been on that stuff, without any overt side effects ever since.

James is rightfully concerned & is in the process of getting us medical insurance.

The belching & farting have stopped :)

I am Polyamorous

Polyamory (from Greek πολυ [poly, meaning many or several] and Latin amor [literally “love”]) is the desire, practice, or acceptance of having more than one loving, intimate relationship at a time with the full knowledge and consent of everyone involved. Polyamorous perspectives differ from monogamous perspectives, in that they reflect one or more partner's wish(es) to have further meaningful relationships and to accommodate these alongside their existing relationships.

The term polyamory is sometimes abbreviated to poly, especially as a form of self-description, and is sometimes described as consensual, ethical, or responsible non-monogamy.

Polyamory is usually taken as a description of a lifestyle, philosophy or relationship orientation (much like gender orientation), rather than of an individual's actual relationship status at a given moment. It is an umbrella term that covers many orientations and modes of relationship. There is fluidity in its definition to accommodate the different shades of meaning which might be covered. Polyamorous relationships are themselves varied, reflecting the choices and philosophies of the individuals concerned.

Polyamory is distinct from polygamy, being closer to a personal outlook than a predefined bonding system. It is grounded in such concepts as choice, trust, equality of free will, and the more novel idea of compersion, rather than in cultural or religious tradition.

Polyamory flag

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"I am very proud of you. I am also a little scared of you."

I am in the process of organizing the company I work part-time into part of our local union.  I am in the perfect position to do it successfully & without fear, because I make such great money as a whore.  I don't have to worry about being caught & loosing my job.

As the president of the union said, "You are going to single handedly organize this company".  He is indeed right, considering once a month, when we have our organizational meeting I bring at least one new person & no one else does.  I also created the member's only website that is dedicated to the project & will be released in late January.

James said to me, "I am very proud of you.  I am also a little scared of you."  He knows better than most that when I set my mind to something, I will get what I want.

I wonder how the other employees or owner of the company would feel about a whore organizing the company.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Phone Sex

I had a lot of fun with my visitor this afternoon.  He has "disappeared" from his job, as a restaurant manager, in order to visit, so he expected some calls to come in, while I was sucking his cock.  Just as he predicted, while I was devouring him, his first call came in.  He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, as he got up to get his phone.  As he spoke, while standing, I crawled on my knees to his position & continued deep throating him.  Hanging up, he returned to his throne & apologized.  I mentioned he might want to get his phone & keep it next to him, in case another call came in.  It did.  

After he finished with the second call, I said "If you want me to continue sucking your cock, you have to be talking to one of your employees on the phone."  He looked at me puzzled.  I explained in more depth.  If we are going to be interrupted anyway, we might as well enjoy it. 

He apprehensively called his restaurant again & asked to speak to someone.  I dutifully began devouring him again.  When he was done with the conversation, he asked for someone else & so on.  After speaking to the seventh person, his cock head was throbbing, with precum oozing out the tip. I asked, "Do you want to cum?"  He responded with "Jesus Christ, yes!"  I said, "Speak to your boss & you can shoot every drop down my throat."  He obliged me & I obliged his cock.

His text message to me, one hour after he left was "What the hell have you done to me?!"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Heart Murmur

I took my small dog, Moo Goo Gai Pan, to the vet & found out that he has a heart murmur.  Because my vet does not have a cardiologist, I have to go to the next town over to see a specialist, to find out the extend of the murmur.  As the vet explained to me, there are 6 different levels, with 6 being the highest.  She has placed his murmur at a level 2.

In addition, he needs to have his teeth cleaned, by way of anesthesia.  However, I cannot have the teeth cleaning done, until the heart murmur is taken care of, in case the meds for the teeth cleaning affect his heart.

The downside is I have to wait until I save the $500 to visit the cardiologist.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

AP Psychology Sucks

Virginia is doing very well in school this quarter, getting all A's & B's, with the exception of her 11th grade AP Psychology class.  She signed up for the class, because her father, a high school teacher, wanted her to take an AP class.  

I am of the opinion that honors classes, as well as AP classes, are useless in terms of college acceptance, particularly for Virginia, considering she will spend her first two years at a community college, in order to save money.

Because she got an F, by the time interims came around, I thought we should have a chat with her school to see if she could change to an average psychology class.  However, according to her vice-principal, we were too late.  He was very helpful though.  He was interested in seeing Virginia be successful in the AP class, because obviously she was intelligent enough to do well in her other classes.  He said he would chat with her teacher & come up with a game plan that would include addition conversations with she would have with her teacher outside of class, tutoring, & perhaps alternative ways for her to learn the material.

All in all, I was very happy with the meeting.  Everyone hears horror stories about the public school system & it's lack of support.  I found none of that.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Brown & Jewish

Last weekend, I was invited to spend the day with a friend in Southern part of my state.  Black people are called “code 2” & the rednecks sit around at pig roasts, talking about lynchings.

I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions. However, was gets me is when their wisdom does not flow. For example, as I was in the midst of a group of rednecks, as they spoke about how brown people from the Middle East & Jews were bad & that they should not be allowed in the country, I pointed out that Jesus of Nazareth was a brown person & Jewish. They were speechless. I guess they are not used to others having a different opinion. At least they were not talking anymore!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Favorite Poem: PHENOMENAL WOMAN, Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a model's fashion size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips
The stride of my steps
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please
And to a man
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees
Then they swarm around me
A hive of honey bees.
I say
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth
The swing of my waist
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back
The sun of my smile
The ride of my breasts
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say
It's in the click of my heels
The bend of my hair
The palm of my hand
The need for my care.
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.