Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Reggae Wine Festival

Over the weekend, James & I went to a wine festival at the largest winery in our state.  It was absolutely fascinating.  It was billed as a "Reggae & Wine" festival.  We've been to many wine festivals in the past, but nothing that specifically marketed to fans of reggae, which for the most part means African Americans.

The entry fee was $20.  After that, the tasting was free.  Additional money would be needed for the many food vendors, retail vendors, & to purchase wine bottles.  The hillside was packed with people on blankets & under umbrellas & tents.

Typically, during a wine festival, you approach a bar & the person pouring the wine will describe the taste, perhaps giving you a piece of cheese or chocolate, to pair with the wine.  From there, you decide whether or not you care to purchase a bottle of wine or move along.  This was not the case for this crowd.  Rather than moving along, people would camp at the bar, without purchasing a bottle. Normally, at a wine festival, people wear attracted, but comfortable clothing.  This weekend, club wear was the norm.  I mean true club wear with the stilettos & tiny, tight dresses. 

The difference in the crowd was amazing & incredibly fun to watch.  I bow down in awe of the marketing guru who came up with a great way to reach a niche market & make it incredibly profitable.  James & I look forward to going to another festival at the same wine festival to see if it's the exact same thing with just a different music focus.  If so, what will the demographic be?

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