Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cock Blocking by Thomas

As you recall, prior to my relationship beginning with Max, I went to my secondary boyfriend, Thomas, to see if me dating an acquaintance of his would make him uncomfortable.  Rather than having a conversation with me, he literally covered his face, with a blanket, & refused to discuss it, giving me the impression he was apathetic to the situation.

Guess what?!  I was completely wrong.  One evening, last week Max & Thomas found themselves in the same bar.  When Max entered, Thomas was sitting downstairs.  Feeling uncomfortable, Max avoided Thomas, by going upstairs.  Within 20 minutes, Thomas joined him.  

Knowing that Max had a date with me later that evening, Max told Thomas he had to leave to see me.  However, Thomas was not satisfied with that answer, so he started buying Max shots.  As the night grew longer, Max decided it was time to leave.  Heading home, he went outside to the main street & then turned the corner.  When he paused to light a cigarette, Thomas joined him, asking him to return to he bar.  He then bluntly said, "No, I am going to see Amanda".

Later, when I met Max & he described the evening events, I tried to come up with all sorts of reasons that Thomas may have behaved that way, such as he just wanted to hang out.  However, Max quickly corrected me, saying "He was cock blocking me, plain & simple"

Sigh...I wonder where all of this is going.

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